Jane Sterk - PhD, Leader of the Green Party of B.C.
Green leader Jane Sterk wants pot sold in liquor-store-style outlets
Apr 23 2009 - Straight.com - Vancouver Free Press
“The vast majority of people who use these substances use them in such a way that it causes no harm to themselves or anyone else,” said Sterk, who is the Green candidate in Esquimalt-Royal Roads. “Fundamentally, we believe that, if it’s not causing harm, why would we need to criminalize behaviour which is done by responsible adults.”
“So, that’s one way to do it, and then it would be controlled and regulated just like we do tobacco and alcohol, so that we keep it out of the hands of youngsters and out of the hands of the criminal elements that are destroying our communities,” she added.
“The war on drugs is a futile endeavour,” she said. “It’s a failure, and it doesn’t make sense to continue to do something that’s failing, and we should approach this problem differently.”